Just Given Birth? What’s next?

During pregnancy, often our focus revolves around preparation for labour and birth.
First-time mums are inundated with advice – everything from horror birth stories to the must-have items to make life easier once their baby is born.
It is easy to get caught up in it all.
But how do you tackle the challenges of being a new mum and the physical, mental and emotional changes to your body that go with it?
The first 12 weeks of your baby’s life is a wonderful rollercoaster of change and relationship building.
Suddenly, you’re thrust into new routines and rhythms of life. Breastfeeding and settling your baby may not come as natural as you thought and learning your baby’s behaviours can take time.
By implementing simple support strategies to assist you can help find your groove.
Incline Health’s Pregnancy and Post Natal Rehabilitation expert, Stephanie, shares some support strategies that assisted her through her pregnancy and post-natal journey.
Build a team of health professionals around you.
Having a team of health professionals, you trust to impart correct information about your pregnancy and post-natal journey, is vital.
A readily available, consistent GP is essential. Building a long-term relationship with a great GP gives you rapport and trust when you need it most.
An Obstetrician and/or Midwife who allows you to feel calm both before and after birth.
After your baby is born, following up with your obstetrician and midwife, to ensure you are receiving the right information and support, is wise.
Commit to having conversations around birth and post birth.
Communication with your partner is extremely important. Doing a birthing course together is a great way to open up communication channels and get the correct advice.
Other courses, such as baby first aid, are also great tools to allow education and communication.
Your obstetrician, midwife or local hospital will have great suggestions to assist.
Joining a mothers group can also be a great way to meet and talk with mums at the same baby stage as you.
Ask your hospital to put you in touch with a local mothers group or look for online parenting forums such as The Inner West Moms
Lactation Consultant
When it comes to breastfeeding, knowledge is power.
Get advice from an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who can give insight into different feeding positions, baby’s latch, and ensure pain and bleeding is avoided.
If there’s an issue affecting your breastfeeding, a IBCLC will help steer you in the right direction, by giving you great strategies and tips.
Chiropractor or Osteopath
Carrying a baby for nine months is physically demanding on your body. A trained chiropractor or osteopath can assess and assist with any issues that may have arisen during pregnancy and birth.
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist
Ensuring your pelvic floor has long term strength and stability is essential. Assessing your recovery from birth and giving approval to return to start exercise is important.
Participating in post-natal Pilates/pelvic floor stabilising exercises with trained post-natal pilates professionals is ideal.
Allow your family and friends to support you
Do not be afraid to ask for support and accept help when offered.
Accepting help with cooking, cleaning or washing – allows someone else to hold you – while you spend time holding your baby.